Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the USA and tonight we celebrated early. Granted there was no American Football game to watch in the background (Go Huskers!), but it felt just right to be sharing a meal with friends and sharing the things we are thankful for. Sometimes it's difficult to say what we are thankful for because it cuts so deep with us, but that difficulty needs to be endured so that people might know who we really are.
I am thankful for:
the wonderful people in my life
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
laughter (it's like running on the inside - uses those muscles!)
sweet potato souffle - mmmmhmmmm yum
old friends reacquainted
old friends who never went anywhere (at least not far from my heart)
new friends
music - that makes memories
the quietness of the early morning
sleep (which I am going to get now)
this list would be longer if it wasn't for the sleep thing....