So I had a list. A list of things I'd like to make me feel like my little room was more than just a study cell. Only problem was I have no money. I also didn't really want to buy things that I only need for a short time and so I felt I could live without them. But yesterday the final thing on my list arrived.
The most exciting day so far, that led to many spontaneous smiles was the International Student Garage Give Away. Although I was still feeling a bit sick after the dogdy-doesn't-quite-stand-up lamp I thought I need to go myself to get the final few things on my list.
Some kind people collected us from the dorm and took us to the garage give away. There was a policeman directing the traffic. Well a man in a police vest, who I wasn't sure was a policeman until I saw him eating a donut - then I was sure he was real. We were allowed to disembark from the vehicles, but our chauffeur was not allowed to park on the street at all. A lady with a clipboard greeted us and the registration began. We had to fill in a form with who we were and what other events we might be interested in and then we were given a RED sticker with our name and number. The people giving out the labels all had BLUE stickers with their name on. Red for those that are being given to and blue for those that have the power of gifting.
A "do not cross" tape was wrapped around where all the furniture was and we were told that there was strictly no brousing. So we waited by the tape. We were given instructions that we could only have ONE piece of furniture, which we had to WALK and NOT RUN towards after the whistle blew. There were signs "WALK, NO RUNNING" on the trees and people with blue stickers were holding up for us to see.
So we all looked for the one piece of furniture that might be ours to take home. A saw a big sofa, a three seater AND it was a sofabed. But I decided it was too much for me. So I saw a littler sofa. But decided it was more than I really needed too and finally settled on a little 2 seater sofa and thought that would be enough for my seating needs. I decided I could just borrow cushions for visitors to sleep on if I needed to. So the prayer was said. The whistle blew and I walked, not ran, towards the little sofa. At the same time as I got there, a guy from a different direction arrived too. I just held out my hand and touched the sofa, as if I was throwing the red hand of Ulster towards Ireland to claim it as my own. We conversed about who needed it the most and I was calm enough to just say I had visitors coming to stay and I didn't have anything for them. He graciously just said that was fine and went to look for something else. A blue sticker guy came and put a sticker with my number on it and then we moved it to the holding area. I was already overflowing with joy!
I happily skipped around the household stuff, not caring if I got nothing else. I managed to find a duvet, some spare sheets, some tupperware and another desk lamp. I was more than satisfied and walked away delighted with my free stuff. I was gifted a bible and a dvd about Jesus too. Must find out about this Jesus fellow, who organised the garage give away.
So I went back to where my little couch was, I had discovered by now that it was a sofa bed and it really was everything I wanted! And there were three scatter cushions on it too! Wooop WOOP! There in the ground was a little sign saying "Seminary" and I stood by it and then Pete drove up and helped load his truck with all my stuff and we headed back to my dorm. Three fellow students helped move the sofa bed to my room and I say pleased as punch for the rest of the day at the perfectness of it. Just right.
I wake up in the mornings smiling at how lovely it is and how it means people can come and visit and be comfortable. Hooray! The only thing I didn't get was a fridge and I didn't mind because the sofa exceeded every expectation. Then last night when I returned from class there was a little note on Len's door saying a neighbour had a fridge that she didn't need any more. Len, already having a fridge, said it could be mine!! And so in the picture you'll see next to the sofa my little baby fridge.
More than everything I need, I have everything I wanted and more.... Thank you.