Sunday, January 2, 2011

NEW year 2011

So the bucket list was just to make me remember there are things to prepare for this year and beyond. That it is good to keep dreaming and good to realise that there are new challenges to be faced at the turning of the year. But really living is not just about doing, but about being, it's about being the person that actions dreams and not just being a dreamer that counts for me. It's about believing they are possible, even if everyone thinks not and even if they have been done a million times by other people. It's about being connected to the people and land of a place that makes a dream come true.

Happy dreaming. Happy being in 2011.

Bucket List

1. Climb Ben Lomond.
2. Climb Mt Kilimanjaro.
3. Sail "doon the watter" on the Waverly.
4. Make a scrapbook.
5. Visit Russia.
6. Do the Sound of Music tour in Austria.

More to be added later...