Monday, November 16, 2009

What are you thankful for?

So another year has gone by since Thanksgiving..nearly, so I thought it about time that we put in our minds what we are thankful for. If you are reading this, that means you. This turkey gave it's life for people to be thankful - so tell me what you are full of thanks for.

Sunny days
Rainy days
Deadlines met
Food for mealtimes
A roof over my head
Turning 30
Friends sharing time together
Packages (brown papered ones, tied up with string)
Mary Poppins
Visitors to Princeton : Carmen, Ma and Pa, David, Amy
Montreal weekend
The Liger and the ITor
Escape days
A day on the east coast
A snail on my wall
Kate the Librarian
Afternoons/evenings drinking tea
Lazy Sundays in the garden
White chocolate and raspberry tart

Keep adding to the list


Sarah said...

Cookies that were sent across the atlantic. (Which is bigger than gigantic)

Celery, peanut butter and turkey ham. (That's heather being thankful.)

Heather said...

ultra soft tissues