Sunday, September 28, 2008


Until this week I believed in favourites. Now I'm not so sure. I have been persuaded that favourites don't exist. That instead of thinking that because I enjoyed being around someone a lot that that made them my favourite - what it means is that I enjoy being round them. Favourite would imply that I like them best of all, when I actually like them for being them. So although I love sausages, they wouldn't be any good at trying to be cake. (Although those who tried my sausage cake may disagree...) They are only good at being sausages, and sometimes I want cake. So what's the point of being my favourite food, if on this one particular occasion I want cake? Therefore on the occasion I want cake - sausages being my favourite just wouldn't matter. And although "Mary Poppins" is my "favourite" movie, sometimes I want to watch "Team America". I just like "Mary Poppins" for being what it is - wonderful.

This makes for a whole reassessment of me giving myself a label of favourite. All it really means is that I'm liked differently for being myself. I'm unique - just like everybody else.


Apparently we can attach too many intentions to some thing that just happened. As a person who likes to notice things and evaluate their meaning this was a good reminder of that some things have no particular meaning attached to them. Meaningless I suppose. An example was given at a recent lecture I attended that shows dogs do it too...

In a house during winter a chunk of snow falls from the roof, the dog barks believing it to be a threat. It was only snow you tell the dog, but the dog knows there was more to it than that.


Now someone said this week that "no one thinks they are in a clique, they just think they are in a group of friends".

So what is a clique? The dictionary says it's "small group of people with a common or shared interest who do not readily allow others to join". But is that really true? Do you know if you have excluded others. If you haven't deliberately set out to exclude others does that make you a clique? What if for safety or sanity you need to be in a clique? What if you have always been on the outside of everything and suddenly you find yourself with something you are preciously in the middle of? Should you get out because others are excluded, or should you hang onto it cause it's helping you to be real? A place where you can actually be the you you usually hide from the world.

Did Jesus and the disciples appear like a clique? I mean only 12 disciples, what if you were pals with one of them before they became a disciple and your pal suddenly has a group of people he does everything with, because it gives him life. Would you be upset that you weren't part of it, or let him go and be where he gains life? Do you feel of less worth because you can see that what they have now means more to them? Does it make you less inclined to have friends at all? Cause if you have friends, maybe you'll be called a clique?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Ever feel like suddenly you're in free fall mode, but instead of plummeting towards the earth you have discovered you can fly? I am just back from the opportunity of a lifetime. At 4 days notice I accepted the invitation to go to a conference in Switzerland hosted by the World Council of Churches - A Theological Encounter on Israel/Palestine. 65 theologians and church leaders from around the world (and me) talking, discussing, wrestling with new ideas about how to view the Bible with regard to the Promised Land.

I was shocked at the underlying theology of some who believe the illegal occupation in Palestine is the living out of the Promised Land. I struggle to comprehend how the oppression of any people can be the will of God. But there we were a room full of the big brains of theology and I was amazed at what was coming out of their mouths.

It was a real privilege to be sitting alongside those theologians I have been reading all summer and instead of ideas in a book, it was a conversation with another pilgrim on the road. Amazing. Mind-blowing in so many ways.

NYA 2008 - End of Part One

I have been inspired by some other blogs to write about NYA. Such a lot of stuff happens at NYA. I always find it a place to give and a place to receive. It reminds me of what church should be like all the time. A sanctuary and a light to those that come. As much as for the staff team, as for the delegates.

The theme End of Part One made it seem like changes are afoot. A new chapter is looming. Hints of it were seen throughout the assembly. Highlights for me...

  • chatting til 5am
  • the great escape
  • greeting familiar feet and meeting new ones
  • a Christmas dance
  • the bestest recitation of Tam
  • After Eight being there
  • magic bars of chocolate and biscuit
  • moments of realness with people
  • the grace administrator
  • anointing by stealth
  • anam cara
  • tears
  • Declaratory Article III
  • giggles over dinner
  • Jesus Duncan
  • Bible shopping
  • watching Jesus bite people on the bum :)
  • Team FutureChurch
And so much more... I wonder what would happen if we put NYA into a spaceship and orbited the world for a while? Would the grace filled atmosphere last? I wish I could wax as lyrically as others have about what it really means to me. Maybe it's not ready to come out yet.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Moleskin notebook

I usually carry a small moleskin notebook. It is full of books to read, ideas for things to do, quotes and thoughts. This is just making my notebook thinking a bit more public and harder for me to lose...